know us

Who hasn't grown up watching Pokémon or Dragon Ball after class? Who has never played an online game? Well, we liked it so much that we wanted more and more and we have immersed ourselves in the fascinating geek universe.

It all started with a simple but powerful idea: sharing our geek passion with the world. In a market saturated with conventional gifts, we sought to stand out with something truly unique.

This is how PonteMasFriki emerged, an online corner where you can discover exciting and different products.

We are now an online store dedicated to geeks like us and we specialize in offering original products inspired by movies, TV series, video games, comics and manga.

What distinguishes us from others?

Our meticulous selection of high quality products. Every item in our store has been carefully chosen, from t-shirts to collectible figures and home items. We consider our store as a paradise for fans.

We understand the diversity of tastes and that is why we offer a wide variety of products, which we continually update, to satisfy everyone. Whether you are passionate about the world of superheroes, video games or anime, at PonteMasFriki you will find something that captures your heart.

At PonteMasFriki we not only sell products, we create a community. We want you to feel at home while you explore our catalog full of geeky treasures. So feel comfortable, browse our website and discover products that would make any geek happy.

All of this would not have been possible if it were not for our great team, made up of formidable and passionate people.

May the geek force be with you!